83 research outputs found

    Message from the Chief Editor

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    Welcome to the Second Issue of International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Development (IJEST) on August 2013. In this issue of IJEST, we present to our readers selected articles related to Engineering, Science and Computer and Tehnology. Five papers are presented from Indonesia, Malaysia, Japan and Australia.The first article by Dr. Wamiliana from Lampung University, Indonesia and Prof. Dr. Louis Caccetta from Curtin University of Technology, Australia with the title: The Modified CW1 Algorithm For The Degree Restricted Minimum Spanning. The second article by Dr. Ibrahim, G.A., Arinal, H., from Lampung University, Indonesia and Zulhanif from National Univerisity of Malaysia, Malaysia and Haron,C.H.C from University Kebangsaan Malaysia with the title: Microstructure Alterations of Ti-6Al-4V ELI during Turning by Using Tungsten Carbide Inserts under Dry Cutting Condition. The third article by Dr. Rudi Irawan, Dr. Afzeri Tamsir and Dr. Riza Muhida from Surya University, Indonesia with the title: Indonesia’s Challenge to Combat Climate Change Using Clean Energy. The fourth article by Fritz Akhmad Nuzir, Haris Murwadi from Universitas Bandar Lampung, Indonesia and Prof. Bart Julien Dewancker from University of Kitakyushu, Japan with the title: The Importance of Education Facility as Sustainable Urban Generation Tool. The fifth article by Marzuki, Agus Sukoco, Lisa Devilia and Maria Shusanti F from Bandar Lampung University, Indonesia with the title: Analysis Web-Education Based on ISO/IEC 9126-4 for the Measurement Quality of Use.With these selections I sincerely hope that everyone has something to gain from this issue and thank you to article contributors and reviewers for making this issue possible. To all prospective author, we are welcome and please sent your article to the editors

    Message from the Chief Editor

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    Development (IJEST) on April 2013. In this issue of IJEST, we present to our readers selected articles related to Engineering, Science and Computer and Tehnology. Six papers are presented from Malaysia, Indonesia and India.The first article by Dr. Raihan Othman and Dr. Hens Saputra from International Islamic University Malaysia and Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology, with the topic: Zinc-Air Battery – Powering Electric Vehicles to Smart Active Labels. The second article by Dr. Iing Lukman , Prof. Dr. M. N. Hassan, Prof.Dr. Noor Akma I and Prof. Dr. M. N. Sulaiman from Universitas Malahayati, Indonesia, World Health Organization Cambodia Chapter, Pnom Phen, Institute for Mathematical Reseach/ Department of MathematicsUniversiti Putra Malaysia, and Department of Computer ScienceFaculty of Computer Science and Information Technology Universiti Putra Malaysiawith the topic: Model Development of Children Under Mortality Rate With Group Method of Data Handling. The third article by Dr. Afzeri Tamsir, Dr. Rudi Irawan and Dr. Riza Muhida from Surya Institute, Jakarta with the topic: Rapid Prototyping and Evaluation for Green Manufacturing. The fourth article by Dr. A.Nagoorgani and Dr. P. Vijayalakshmi from P.G. & Research Department of Mathematics, Jamal Mohamed College Tiruchirappalli, India and Department of Mathematics, K.N.Govt. Arts College(Autonomous),Thanjavur, India with the topic: Fuzzy Graphs With Equal Fuzzy Domination and Independent Domination Numbers. The last article by Hery Riyanto from Universitas Bandar Lampung, Indonesia with the topic: Damping Factor of Precast Concrete with Wet Connection.With these selections I sincerely hope that everyone has something to gain from this issue and thank you to article contributors and reviewers for making this first issue possible. To all prospective author, we are welcome and please sent your article to the editors

    Message from the Editor in Chief

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    Welcome  to the Third Issue of  International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Development (IJEST) on December 2013.  In this issue of  IJEST, we present to our readers selected articles  related to Engineering, Science and Computer and Tehnology. Five papers are presented from  Indonesia, Malaysia and Saudi Arabia.The first article by   Abdul Aziz Ahmad and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Raihan Othman  from International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), Malaysia  with the title: Recent Advances in Biofuel Cell and Emerging Hybrid System. The second article by Prof. Dr. Priyo Suprobo,Faimun  and  Arie Febry from Institute Technology Surabaya (ITS), Indonesia with the title: Infrastructure Health Monitoring System (SHM) Development, a Necessity for Maintenance and Investigation  . The third article by Dr. Riza Ainul Hakim,  from King Abdulaziz University , Saudi Arabia,  with the title:  Seismic Assessment of RC Building Using Pushover Analysis  The fourth article by Ida Bagus Ilham Maliki from Universitas Bandar Lampung, Indonesia with the title: Public Transport Crisis in Bandar Lampung. The fifth article by Marzuki, Maria Shusanti F  and Andala Rama Putra  from Bandar Lampung University, Indonesia with the title: The E-Internal Audit ISO 9001:2008 Based on Accreditation Form Assessment Matrix in Study Program for Effectiveness of Monitoring Accreditation With these selections I sincerely hope that  everyone has something to gain from this issue and thank you to article contributors and reviewers for making this  issue possible. To all prospective author, we are welcome and please sent your article to the editors

    Development of remote operability CNC milling

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    Capability of remote operation of a CNC milling machine is demonstrated. Unattended machining operation is possible to be performed by executing NC program sent from remote user. The system is designed using a computer server and connected to a PC based controlled CNC machine for real time axis monitoring remote desktop. A client accesses the machine through Internet and operate and simulate the machine activity. Operability of CNC machine supported by combination between real time virtual simulation and using remote desktop tool and Setup Free Pin type Attachment. An auto setup CNC milling machine which is equipped with specially developed Setup Free Attachment has been investigated as one solution for unattended machining process. A specially designed attachment with setup free machining methodology has been developed for horizontal machining center. Attachment consists of three main equipments; material indexing device, Sub clamp with pin and vise inde

    Applying computational Materials Design (CMD) toward efficient hydrogen production from water

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    Hydrogen is probably the most promising solution to our global energy problems for the future. However, in order to support the developing hydrogen economy, efficient processes for hydrogen production and storage become necessary. Now a days, the hydrogen production is a large and growing industry. Globally, some 50 million metric tons of hydrogen are produced in a year. The growth rate is around 10% per year. Hydrogen can be produced using fossil fuels via steam reforming or partial oxidation of natural gas and by coal gasification. Produced in this fashion, hydrogen will generate less CO2 than conventional internal combustion engines (including the emissions during fuel production, delivery, and use in the vehicle), and thus contributes less to global warming. It can also be produced via electrolysis using electricity and water, consuming approximately 50 kilowatt hours of electricity per kilogram. This method is still expensive. The direct thermal splitting of water, 2H2


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    Cat adalah cairan yang berfungsi untuk melindungi, memperkuat, dan memperindah. Pada proses pengecatan menggunakan metode penyemprotan (spray) adalah yang paling cepat, tetapi harus mengetahui jarak dan tekanan angin yang sesuai agar tidak terbuang ke udara bebas. Memodifikasi diameter lubang nozzle spray gun dapat dilakukan sehingga dapat menambah efisiensi saat proses pengecatan menjadi lebih cepat, dan tebal. Tetapi saat memodifikasi lubang nozzle spray gun memiliki batas disetiap masing masing type spray gun dalam penelitian ini jenis spray gun yang digunakan adalah type F75 dengan diameter aslinya 1,5mm kemudian dimodifikasi menjadi 1,8mm dan 2mm. Pada type ini saat perluas lubang nozzle lebih dari 2mm Jarum spray gun tidak dapat menutup rapat lubang nozzle sehingga terjadi kebocoran angin pada nozzle dan spray gun tidak efektif. Jarak spray gun ke objek juga sangat mempengaruhi dari pengujian. Maka dapat disimpulkan semakin dekat jarak sprayer ke objek maka ketebalan cat meningkat,  semakin besar diameter nozzle maka hasil pengecatan juga semakin tebal dan setiap type nozzle memiliki batas perluasan diameter lubang nozzlenya


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    Provinsi Lampung merupakan daerah dengan penghasil kopi dan jagung tertinggi di Indonesia. Kopi menghasilkan 50 – 60% limbah dan jagung menghasilkan limbah sebanyak 95% dari hasil panen. Beton merupakan jenis material yang banyak digunakan dikehidupan manusia, karena banyaknya penggunaan beton, terdapat aspek yang perlu diperhatikan seperti keawetan dan dampak terhadap lingkungan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kekuatan mekanik dari limbah kulit kopi dan serat kulit jagung sebagai pengganti agregat atau filler pada beton jenis polimer. Pengujian mekanik yang dilakukan meliputi uji kuat tarik dengan standar ASTM D-3039, uji kuat bending dengan standar ASTM D-7264 dan uji kekerasan dengan standar ASTM D-2240. Hasil tertinggi pada uji tarik yaitu pada spesimen S1 sebesar 587 N dengan perbandingan komposisi 5% pasir : 10% batu apung : 8% kulit kopi : 2% serat kulit jagung : 75% resin polyester. Sedangkan hasil tertinggi uji bending yaitu pada spesimen S3 sebesar 53,61 N dengan perbandingan komposisi 5% pasir : 10% batu apung : 5% kulit kopi : 5% serat kulit jagung :75% resin polyester dan nilai kekerasan tertinggi pada spesimen S1 sebesar 75,5 H